Doctor Who (2023)
grasshopper rex 3 points 24 days ago.

Disney only bought the streaming rights. They have no creative control of the show. Russell Davies has complete creative control. Sony, the BBC, Bad Wolf Studios and Disney can offer input, but in the end Davies is the only one calling the shots. He has said before that he is a fan of Disney, in particular Pixar, and that he wanted to add more fantasy elements to the show. Anyone not liking it should blame Davies, not Disney, but for many that won’t fit into the anti-Disney narrative some are pushing now.

kerfy 1 points 24 days ago.

folks will adjust what they write in order to attract a buyer.. buyers will buy what they like.. so its safe to presume either way.. is there an anti-anti-disney movement ? .. lol thats a lot of ants being chucked around.. I thought the maestro was a well played character.. much better than the portrayal of the doctor.. I at least could watch the whole second episode..