The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024)
ThinMan -3 points 24 days ago.

What started off well, digresses the minute Eiza González appears… then it goes down hill FAST. Unfunny, and completely unrealistic, this is the American remake of Sisu, whhich was deficient in its own ways, but this is worse! Passable, but yawnable, amusement. Thanks for the links! We would never have rented this…

SoakedWeasel 3 points 23 days ago.

I thought you were commenting on a different film, as what you wrote makes so little sense.
Yes, the true story of an actual raid. A raid that did really take place and pretty much saved Europe, is unrealistic… Sisu is fiction. It is a British film by the way, with some American backing.
Also, you should probably look up what digress means. Think you’ll be surprised.