Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S4 E13
Boraes 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Awfully predictive and pointless episode. Discovery is only entertaining from a visual point for me. Their inane drivel every episode, lack of all the things that made star trek amazing and exciting adventures with the added and the unsubtle snowflake agenda constantly being rammed down one’s throat has made me, a die hard lover of ST just loathe this series.
Every episode is simply about ticking ‘woke’ target boxes; whether it’s the casting (could of guessed the the United earth president was a woman of colour to fit this theme before it was proved, apparently straight people of anglo-european heritage ceased to exist in the Star Trek discovery universe), missing golden opportunities for plots; Cadet with a trill who used to be an admiral???, any medical dramas showing off the futuristic procedures? Not to mention the lack of usual classic type of episodes we know and love…there are just too many to list

This whole series storyline would been done as a 2-parter in any other Star Trek series if you cut out the added unnecessary fluff.

Really hope ‘Strange New Worlds’ goes back to classic style of and exciting sci-fi adventure series with the moral point per episode rather than per scene….