The Rookie (2018) S4 E17
NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 2 years ago.

You must be talking of the previous episode, which was a bit strange, filmed like video interviews. This was nothing like you are describing.

Lily23 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I did not have my episodes confused. The “video interview” episode was cute & done in a tongue-in-cheek manner. This episode was poorly written. It misrepresented the organ donation protocol in this country & the new “eco-warrior” love interest did everything but come out as transgender. It’s just too much.

Unless you are doing a direct donation the organ donor program is anonymous. Drives me up a wall anytime a show misrepresents that & really takes me out of the narrative. I know it’s fiction but I’ve been spoiled by much better shows.

I appreciate this show for it’s quirkiness, for sitting just on the edge of full out comedy & even for how they handled the trauma of the aftermath of the kidnapping but when they try to do emotional drama it feels too forced.

The opening scene was good but then it spun off into Grey’s Anatomy territory. Idk, it just really bothered me this week.