The Batman (2022)
booger 2 points 2 years ago.

I was prepared to not like this but I put aside my preconceptions (like I have done ever since I figured out Siskel and Ebert were just 2 guys with their own likes and dislikes just like me) and just watched the movie.
The bad: Robert Pattinson does not have the physique to truly pull off the character convincingly. But, neither did Keaton.
The good: Everything else. Batman is emotionally scarred and vulnerable and always has been also he is a Detective. And that is what I watched, a troubled individual going to extreme lengths to make his life and his parents death mean something, using his brain along with his body.
I bought a copy of the 1943 (a year full of product shortages, protest and death. sound familiar?) serial in the early 90’s and found it simple, brutal and honest much like Pattinson’s performance of the character.
Batman, like most of humanity, is not complicated, he might seem that way to some but black and white is not grey.