The Winchesters (2022)
etim 5 points 1 year ago*.

As much as I liked the original, I’ll be seriously surprised if this does NOT get ruined by CW and turned into another bitchy-whiny teen romantic drama. As usual, they’ll fill it full of pretty faces that can’t act and writers who can’t write except to gear it to please their teenie drama queen wannabee crowd. And they couldn’t care less about quality, just that it seems hip, pretty and trendy.

Hell, even the poster looks like an illustration for a CW version of a ‘Lifetime TV for kids’.

Supernatural only survived getting cw-slimed itself because they already had a well established, large and loyal cult following loong before CW ever existed—and the studio bosses were too terrified to touch such a proven money maker.

Come on, CW—prove me wrong. Just once.

kerfy 2 points 1 year ago.

totally agree. the pic looks like the cover of a harleyquin romance book..more sex cult whack job wanna be tv stars doing teen angst crap..