Da Vinci's Demons (2013)
YgraineDance 3 points 4 years ago.

I finally got around to the final season of this show, years after it ended. I really liked the idea of a show about Da Vinci’s time, his art and inventions, but I have to say there wasn’t nearly enough of that once they introduced (what I consider) the silly plot arc of the Labyrinth and Mithras cults. This ushered in way too much pseudo mysticism, fantasy, and fever dreaming to keep the story moving. The sets and costumes were excellent, as was the music, but the pace suffered greatly every time they veered off the (semi) historical plot points to take us on another this-might-or-might-not-have-happened flight of fancy. Season 3 was full of this. It made Leonardo look like a twitchy nutcase.