Lockwood & Co. (2023)
booger 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Despite its flaws this series is rather entertaining.
The things I like about this show is one: the location(s), they are fantastic and beautiful two: The acting, Most U.S. shows about young adults have actors that have been chosen for their sex appeal first and ability (if any) secondary at best.
What I dislike most is their obvious poor choice in arms and armor, sure someone was consulted about how to use the weapon involved but forgot to ask If it should, while weirdly not using any armor at all.

CaptKSKS 2 points 1 year ago.

I would have though mail would have been used as it is relatively light and would provide a measure of protection to almost anyone; definitely a plot hole but not one that kills the suspension of disbelief for me, maybe a second season could address it.