Poker Face (2023) S1 E7
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

This series continues to be one of the most cleverly-written we’ve gotten this season. Turns out it IS more episodic than I first assumed. Each standalone outing takes Charlie to a new place, with completely new, interesting folks to meet and interact with. Charlie remains fun, quirky, frank and endearing in her scruffy way, sometimes surprised by events, but missing nothing. I’m at ep. 7 and, though she travels a lot, we do get a less-frantic vibe - so far. I’ve read several viewers’ comparisons of this character to the old Lt. Columbo, and that’s pretty apt in a lot of ways, even down to the gravelly voice - but Lyonne makes this her own with her profane, very funny asides and innocent-until-they’re-not gotcha questions. A real winner of a show IMO.