Star Trek: Picard (2020)
Aggr69 3 points 1 year ago.

Thanks to Frakes and his stellar direction the third season has put ST back on the map. Although it isn’t cannon at least it is a close approximation of ST. The only thing Gene would not have liked is the swearing. It is odd for ST but its minor at best.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

I have to agree, this has been an excellent ride so far, especially this last season. Too bad it has to come to an end, but at least it is going to get a full and complete closure, which a lot of shows don’t ever get.

That being said, I do believe a lot of credit should also go to the writers this time around, as this season has been really good, and I think a lot of work actually went into this one. A good job was done by all on this one so far.

2 episodes left in the season to finish this off, so I expect that there will be one heck of a lot that will be going on in those 2 episodes. Can’t wait to see how they do it.