Mrs. Davis (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Have you acquired it? we tend to agree on most shows, tough no on all. I bypassed this show on a lot of occasions, just figured it was not for me, but only looked at the thumbnail, but now that I looked at the thumbnail, I’m thinking I might just get a kick out of it.

My PT recently got upgraded to the point where they are really working my arm/shoulder for real now, and the first time was right painful, second time was not quite so bad, but 5 more weeks of that, and they said I can start trying to work on my writing again, doing some of the stuff I was doing prior to the surgery again, so starting Monday early I might give that a shot, see what happens.

Will mean a bit less watching time eventually, after I’m totally healed, but some of the few shows that I do still watch are coming to an end and need replacements, and this might be a good one. I like the premise….

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Hi, Grey. I’m so happy to hear that your shoulder is coming along well. Rehab is painful AF but yeah, there’s no way around it and it does pay off! I know you must be antsy for it to be over…!

As for this show, a lot of it is the writers trying hard to surprise and sometimes shock, but it manages to be satirical through it all. I keep being reminded of “Preacher” with its absurdity and odd characters you really couldn’t pigeonhole in any satisfactory way. I guess I have to say that, while I’m not in love with the characters, I’m going to stay with the show to learn more about the social-media angle that’s such a big part of the plot.

LOL I wouldn’t mind seeing The Saint of Killers show up here (remember him from Preacher? He was a blast. He’d fit right in with this lunacy.)