Stargate Atlantis (2004) S2 E14
Luvlinguae 1 points 1 year ago.

OK, good to know. I haven’t gotten any farther than this point, so that gives me good vibes to keep going with the series. Someone told me that Stargate Universe is not good at all, but I’ve never looked. What’s your opinion on that?

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m going to put this as a spoiler, though I’m going to try to not give much away. If you start with the original Stargate, then go to like Atlantis, and maybe watch a couple of the movies that are off shoots of those, and I think all of the movies are offshoots of the original series, then you go into Universe, and if your like me you have this ‘Say freaking what’? moment partway through, and only a few episodes in actually…

Kinda felt to me like it was still Stargate, but like they took some of the ‘Gate’ out of it. Not saying it was bad or anything, but not quite what I expected. Also, I’m going to give you this much, don’t expect a happy ending….