The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023) S1 E1
DownrightDebonaire 2 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You forget they started manufacturing gasoline years ago. They also make alcohol, bullets etc. They (people from villages of Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom & Oceanside) went and got horse and buggies (plus seeds and other agriculture tools) because they as a colony were desperate. But outside of that colony (and in spin-offs) people have varying degrees of re-establishing manufacturing on a micro level. There are colonies out there with electricity so they can weld and produce more.

kraichgau 0 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

i didnt “forget” that,but when they were “producing” gasoline,it was a rawest product imaginable,remember? and it was in very rare supply too.
same with the “bullets”,refilled cartridges with leftover gunpowder-stocks.
anyhow,i find that funny,but agree,that theoretical some communities might have the resources for that.