The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023) S1 E1
kraichgau 0 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

i didnt “forget” that,but when they were “producing” gasoline,it was a rawest product imaginable,remember? and it was in very rare supply too.
same with the “bullets”,refilled cartridges with leftover gunpowder-stocks.
anyhow,i find that funny,but agree,that theoretical some communities might have the resources for that.

DownrightDebonaire 1 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

yes if this rag tag desperate group could do all that, think about the rest of the country. we only see an isolated tiny universe. The common wealth and all those other giant colonies are manufacturing on a better scale. I like that we are getting a glimpse of people handling their ish better. Personally I hated Grimes and thought nearly ever disaster he was at fault in someway. He was a terrible leader. SO I like the idea of other more successful groups popping in every once in a while but it never happened.