The Blacklist (2013) S10 E22
greyfur 2 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah, that does seem to be the way of it a lot of the time, just like the way they ended the last season of Dexter, really hated that, then they I am told ended the other one rather badly, I was watching that but never did watch the last 2 episodes, I was warned that they really messed that up, and that the ending would right tick me off, so I took the hint and to this day I never bothered to watch the ending. Figured I would leave off where I was and call it a fond memory.

Spader was excellent in this, and Reddington most certainly deserved much better then what he got in the end…

mtntopmike 3 points 11 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

My thought on the ending is that it was fine. He was slowly shutting down his empire, saying his goodbyes. Whatever his illness was he knew he was going to die. So he did what he did to take control how and went out on his terms.