Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (2018) S4 E6
Alien 2 points 10 months ago.

The best thing you could do is stop reading other people’s reviews and go watch the movie. Give it a chance if you like science fiction.

greyfur 1 points 10 months ago.

That’s why a lot of times I watch it anyway. Noticed a lot of times people have no clue what they are watching, or even why anymore, and for the most part, they have lost sight of how a good story is even told. I have to actually cringe for real sometimes when I see people post at times about ‘filler episodes’, and then other people do the same thing just to be ‘part of the freaking pack’, like they have some need to fit in or something.

It’s like often if there is not enough flash-bang, then it just can’t seem to hold peoples interest in the show, so of course it has to be a ‘filler episode’. Sometimes there is backstory that fills holes, or other parts of the story that needs telling that the rest won’t make sense that needs telling before you can get to the rest of the action for it to make any sense. Can’t just have non stop action all of the time in every episode of every show of something. Well, maybe on some things, if they are designed to be that way, but not everything is, some things are written to have a story to them.

Thing is, people are so spoiled with all the action and so forth that they just lost touch with the ability in most cases to have the patience with having an actual story told to them. Can’t stand to have an episode that will tell them part of the actual story. I actually LIKE those episodes just as much as the ones that are full of action, as I like the story lines as well, too bad that people don’t get that, but that’s a bit of a different animal.

I will grant, however, that rant being ranted, that on occasion, there does seem to be every once in a bit that random episode that is totally meaningless, just shouldn’t be there, writers minds took a walk, and probably never should have come back kind of episode, and never in a million should have been aired. They happen, and we all get bored to tears, and they are well and truly filler to the core. I think those are kind of rare, thankfully….But that’s just me, just another armchair critic that’s taken way too many shots to the head over the years, and no doubt a few too many of Tequila as well…😖