The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023)
Piglet 4 points 8 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

One thing I noticed straight away was the zombie are different than what we’ve seen in the USA. Burner zombies in the Walking Dead have acidic skin and blood, which makes them extremely dangerous and differentiates them from regular zombies. The origins of Burner zombies are still unclear, but it is suggested that they may be the result of either exposure to chemicals in a food processing plant or a manmade zombie experiment. Burners are just one type of variant zombie in the Walking Dead universe, and their introduction opens up the possibility for other unique and dangerous zombie types in future installments of the franchise. And glad we got a hint of how Daryl was on an upside-down boat. Anyone with an ounce of sense would know he could not have made it across the Atlantic on an upside-down boat!