Ahsoka (2023) S1 E6
ΜΥΓΑΣ 3 points 7 months ago.

True it could ….as a plot twist, right?…or a tragic ending….resolved in another series. BUT we may just be overthinking it. It probably is just a way for the writer to signify an old new army.
Plus the “cool” aesthetic will go into merch, figures etc …. AND intensionally or not, the NWO will have another opportunity to confuse the public subconscious….wispering “totalitarianism is cool, obey” hahaha

THeRealMisterPink 2 points 7 months ago.

Yup, I believe you nailed it with that one! Im sure the creators knows most will miss the Kintsugi reference and we’ll probably see a few “limited edition” stormtrooper figures with the gold trim. Super rare, must get now ad campaigns and all while glorifying tyrants. Lets see what the future holds. Im sure we’ll know more come next year. I have a feeling big changes are coming.