Welcome to Plathville (2019) S5 E14
AmieWarren 1 points 5 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Ethan: “When’s the last time you cooked a meal?” I swear, if the cameras weren’t on them, I think Olivia would have slapped the crap out of him. I would have!

Notice, Ethan did not say he wanted the best for Olivia. This is his fault. He thinks everything has to be the way he wants it, that SHE has to be the way he wants her to be, or she isn’t deserving of being with him and having his children.

It’s o.k., Olivia will prosper without him, and he’ll always be stuck in the same place all his life. If he’s lucky, he’ll find someone who will let him control her and who cooks three meals a day.