Found (2023) S1 E10
DownrightDebonaire -1 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This was my least favorite episode thus far but it’s still better than a lot of procedurals that are out there. It felt super over dramatic this episode like they are trying to be Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder, I cackled when she threw the lady against the locker! It was over the top. Same with the hashtag scene. Too much.

YgraineDance 1 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree with all you’ve said. Not the greatest show to begin with, but this episode was just too much to swallow. One of the things I most liked in the premise behind both Scandal and HTGAWM was the idea of a smart, head-screwed-on-straight black professional woman who paid the cost and IS a boss. I’m black myself; it was gonna be fun to see such a character, I thought. But in each case, the shows hinted and teased (for a few outings, to get you interested) at this satisfying ideal, only to devolve into some nutty parody of a shrew who’s lost her mind. Olivia beating someone to death with a chair (!); Viola working with teacher’s pets in a murder plot (!); and this woman Gabi who is involved in the worst scenario EVER - her live-in criminal chained in the basement (!!)
I mean, do they ALL have to be touched in the head? Am I asking for too much?