Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)
AmieWarren 2 points 4 months ago.

I have a branch of my family, sadly not my branch, that married into the Cherokee Nation. I found some of the descendants when doing my genealogy. I’d love to learn Cherokee.

Piglet 1 points 4 months ago*.

My great-grandmother was Cherokee and sadly, my maternal side of the family doesn’t acknowledge their great-grandmother/grandmother was Cherokee. Nor do they mention that Jesse James is related to them. In fact, I had a great uncle I knew nothing about until I did some research. My grandmother never mentioned her older brother. I asked a 2nd cousin about the uncle and all she would say was that he was the black sheep of the family. Which didn’t tell me much, but it had to be bad for whatever he did for my grandmother to never mentioning him. I don’t think my mother knew about him either since she never mentioned him. She was the type of mother who would have used him as a warming to not be bad. But she never did.