What If...? (2021) S2 E9
greyfur 3 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t mean the part about removing Strange. Actually, he was not totally removed, at least I don’t believe he was, as this was dealing with a multiverse, so thinking this was just one incarnation of him, so he wasn’t totally removed. At least that’s the assumption I’m working with, as he was taking about ‘his’ universe, and how he was trying to get it back, so there must be other Strange’s out there in other universes.

I highly doubt that we have seen the last of him in some form or another. He’s just way too big of a hero to just delete forever, same with the Scarlet Witch. I did, however, really like what they did with this incarnation of Peggy Carter. And note, this incarnation of her is also in an alternate universe, and not in ours. In that universe, she got the super serum that was meant for Steve in OUR universe. So what happened to Strange there was in a whole different universe that was not ours either way.

That’s why they call the whole series ‘What If’.

whitneyhouston 2 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Steve Rogers in her Universe end up being Hydra.