The Proof Is Out There (2021)
Gnostic_Alchemist 1 points 4 months ago.

Looks like someone is closed minded

grasshopper rex 3 points 4 months ago*.

I admit to being a skeptic, but closed-minded? No. I require scientific evidence, as everyone should. Some of the topics here aren’t even worth considering. The sad fact is that there are those that will continue to believe in things that have been thoughly debunked and when you factor in that too often there is no definitive conclusion made on many of the stories here, it makes this series kind of pointless. People generally believe what they want to believe and many watch these shows hoping to find some sort of confirmation for that belief, but even when they are given none they still continue to believe it and continue to search for anything that might support that belief. I’ve never seen anyone that believes in ufos, bigfoot or ghosts change their mind.