The Beekeeper (2024)
MontyFly 1 points 3 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

So there is sex in the movie? My only hope is that it’s the best of the group since … Well if you watched the other two you would know what I mean. Bricklayer was as I expected and not terrible to watch just mew, the other I couldn’t finish so won’t review. It has been an interesting list of tradesmen on a vendetta flix but, I hope they either improve or fade away.

Jirido 2 points 3 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well I would not marry the guy, and if he was impotent it would not supprice me, He is always so humorless that I can’t imagine he can produce an female orgasm for the life of god except in/on/for some real phony chick with a severe “sullen father” complex. In Sweden we say BajsNödig It means like when you have take a shit but there are no toilet around. And between you and me.. He should work on the muscles a bit! They are a bit floppy..