Death Machine (1995)
YgraineDance 4 points 2 months ago.

Here’s a long, loooong version of this film on the site for our enjoyment. It’s a film that is part sci-fi, part horror, part social commentary, and part wannabe-humor (in the strangest places). I see the characters are named for famous directors and others in the genre, and there are obvious influences from films like Robocop, Virus, Terminator, and more science-gone-real-wrong films. Brad Dourif brings the super-crazy, as usual. Anyone remember The Night King from GoT? That actor (Richard Brake) has a role here.
Be prepared to suspend disbelief if you plan to sit through the entire movie (did I mention how loooooooong this is??) and be impressed by the nineties’ CGI and what I assumes is some puppetry in some scenes.