Dark Phoenix (2019)
MissMorgue 0 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Just finished watching this and apart of a very briefly lived piece of feminist propaganda (I am really tired of this latest wave of feminism, bring back the second wave please. When we were sane and rational.) that was uttered by Jennifer Lawrence about changing the name of the team to X-Women and well Aliens holds hands out for effect the film wasn’t terrible, but it was produced during a changing a of the guards and the people who were left from the FOX team really tried hard to ruin the film. For what they were given to work with I found it to be a adequate ending to the other wise mostly dismal handling of this entire franchise by Fox Studios. Apart from the X-Men Animated Series and a very select few X-Men films, this movie will sadly fall in the anals of history as a flop. 3 out of 5 stars.