Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Marqsupream 0 points 4 years ago.

All these unnecessary comments about her sexuality is disheartening. For a CW show it’s pretty on par with everything else that airs on the network. Kinda cheesy but worth it. I was only reluctant because I was unfamiliar with ruby rose as an actress but I feel like it could get better 1 episode is not enough to completely write her off but hopefully it will get better. Story wise not very complicated too easy to understand but as I said before it’s the CW what do you expect. Look PEOPLE are gay get over it everyone’s experiences has the right to be shown on tv I don’t see the big deal in her being a lesbian no one cared in 2006 but now all of a sudden she’s a beloved character that cant be changed? y’all weren’t even alive in the 50’s to bring that version up how pathetic. I give this show an unbiased 3/5 let’s wait and see if it’s actually a bad show before you write it off as such based on your own undercover homophobia

Jhigh03 0 points 4 years ago.

Very well said and probably the way most people feel, as I do. It’s a shame when the minority becomes the most vocal causing others with valid complaints or critcisms to go unnoticed.