Cold Meat (2024)
Steppenwolf71 2 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is definitely a new favorite for me. And that’s saying something. Especially, for a flick with such non-existent budget demands. Masterfully done. The only other flick it reminds me of, is the Dan Akroyd, re-make version… of “The Twilight-Zone” movie. The “Werewolf” part of the story. I think it’s the last story. “Hey… you wanna see something, reeeeally scaaaary?” Lol! I need to watch that now.
I give this a 10/10 ✨rating. The biggest part of the budget, must’ve went to the main actor and actress. I wouldn’t even be surprised, if this started as someone’s thesis film. You like a good “underdog vs. The Nemesis” flick? This IS it.