Manhunt (2024)
Piglet 0 points 1 month ago.

Well, there isn’t any recording of Lincoln’s voice that I’m aware of, and I didn’t care for the person playing Lincoln’s. Kind of made him look and sound a bit simple minded. I know for realism, and to convey how slaves were talked to and treated was rather shocking to hear. I found myself gasping with disgust. Menzies is great in this series and a totally different character than the character he portrayed in Outlander. He seems to take on each character he has played with gusto. I must admit I’ve not read that much about the assassination of Lincoln and the days leading up to and the days after. I didn’t know he lingered on for hours after being shot. And of course there is the saying that I’ve heard for years but didn’t know why until about 30 years ago. “You’re name is mud” which refers to the Samuel Mudd, the doctor who set Booths broken leg, he was labeled as a traitor. So when someone calls you mud, it’s not a good thing. Roger Mudd (CBS reporter until his death in 2021 at the age of 93) was a collateral descendant of Samuel Mudd (meaning he descended from another branch within the same extensive family tree). I may continue on and give it a few more episodes.

expresso 4 points 1 month ago.

Lincoln is almost always portrayed with a thin, reedy high pitched voice because there are written historical sources (books, newspapers, private letters) that describe it that way.