Married at First Sight (2014) S17 E23
AmieWarren 1 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I did not like Lauren from day one, and this episode just confirms I was right. She is a controlling, sharp-tongued beeyatch. Girl, you ain’t even pretty. You need to work on your personality. Orion, you are way too good for that wicked witch. I’m glad Clare didn’t show up. She’s the other one I didn’t like. Another narcissistic, controlling B. All these girls are so self-centered, and they just feed off of one another. I say girls, because that’s what they’re acting like. I think Emily is an instigator, and I can see why she’s never had a relationship. Don’t get me started on Chloe. It all has to be her way or the highway. Mike, hon, just walk away from that one. You’re such a sweet guy. You deserve better. I feel like Becca and Austin really love each other, and hopefully, if they keep communicating, they’ll be able to work things out eventually. Other than that, it’s just a blame game with the women blasting down the men. WTF?? All these women are acting like children. It makes me ashamed of my gender.