Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E8
grasshopper rex 2 points 17 days ago.

It’s shameful how many of their stories are about how crappy our health care system is.

kronickurves 2 points 17 days ago.

My mind still struggles to comprend this health care reality you all have to deal with in the US. Myself and many I have spoken to here in Australia and back home in New Zealand, assume the US has Goverment funded, single payer health care- for many DECADES like these two countries.
It wasn’t until I got hold of a copy around 2008 of ‘Sicko’ the 2007 doco by Micheal Moore made it’s way to NZ, I was completely blown away, and gutturally angry for anyone living in the USA regarding health care. Like WTAF, priorities mixed up much Government??!!