I Am Legend 2
dbob 1 points 1 month ago.

I like seeing things blow up just as much as the next guy maybe more… But for this show I prefer the slow burn of the of the 1971 version.

Arcangel2020 2 points 29 days ago.

Right? I mean let’s face it, the 1971 remake with Charlton Heston as the lead/main character in the classic 70ies era, dystopian film “The Omega Man” (along with Soylent Green; Silent Running, Rollerball, Death Race 2000 just to name a few films that come to mind) is STILL better than the horrible 2007 (Crappy CGI effects) remake with Will Smith. The only thing that the 2007 version had going for it was the Post-Apocalypic scenes of Manhatten, NY