Orphan (2009)
Ditzygypsy 0 points 4 years ago.

She smartened up after she got to their home because she had burned bridges with other families and the jig was up. She had adult teeth at “8” years old for crying out loud. I’d like to see what Paul Ekman would say about her micro expressions and have him do a deception analysis on her. I think she’s a very good liar. And I hope those people are exonerated, too.

DemandingFemale 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s not just the teeth thing that I found odd. You could even excuse the results of the bone density testing she had due to her medical conditions. But the fact she, apparently, arrived from the Ukraine as a 5-year-old child, went through at least 30 other families in a matter of a few weeks before being adopted - unseen - by the Barnett’s at age 6; with no accent and full grasp of the English language. Yeah, right, lol.
She was hospitalized in a mental health facility for a while, and released by medical professionals to continue living alone in an apartment for about 2 years It’s just stranger than fiction.