Stumptown (2019)
mcbumblehead 5 points 4 years ago*.

Some make various comments on the internet espousing their opinions on matters of taste as superior and all-important. In the process they leave no legitimate room for doubt that this need to belittle others is due to an inherent realization of just how small they themselves are in their own mind. Thus the attempt to minimize others so one’s self need not feel so utterly minuscule in comparison. Alas, these actions do not ultimately assuage such feelings, as the individual in question continues to feel their own smallness deep in their heart and soul regardless. Tragedy.

Betamax78 -11 points 4 years ago*.

Its not a matter of taste .This masturbatory pablum like most major network TV is objectively moronic and purposely made to appeal to the lowest common denominator . It uses focus groups and marketing teams to make sure it can keep the attention of illiterate uncultured gap-toothed bumpkins long enough to con them into watching fast-food commercials .Its not like BBC ,Cannel 5 or NRK that are in countries that the majority of citizens can read past a 4th grade level.Its for America