V Wars (2019)
greyfur 0 points 4 years ago.

Just finished it myself, and rather liked it as well. Everybody dissing this and talking about the Passage never bothered to give it a chance. This went way past that show, and turned into something better I thought somewhere along the way.
Got rather interesting the last couple episodes. Rather liked having something that had more plot and acting then just a lot of gore and flash bang for a change, though there was just enough of that to keep you interested for the sake of that as well.
I know the…well, won’t go there, would have to mark this as a spoiler, hate doing that. But still, hope there is a second season as well, this turned out to be good enough for me to want to see a bit more, see if they can do a bit more with it.

Mirela1 0 points 4 years ago.

Totally agree with you,they need to do more with it. It has good potential for a better second season. Most great shows have crappy 1st season till all progresses. Have a good day