The Monster (2016)
BellaMia1 0 points 4 years ago.

sigh. I wish that directors and writers today, would understand that audience want to connect to at least one or two characters, to carry their interest throughout the movie. Nope, they still don’t get it. Right off, I wanted the mother to die. And that’s early in the movie. Not good. Then it took HALF THE MOVIE for anything to begin to move. Long dragged out scenes, of awkward monosyllable exchange between the mother and daughter. The daughter is not half as bad as her mom, but is not angel herself. Hard to care if anything happen to them or not. Something else that made it hard for me to get into this. The unbelievable idea of a tween, being more adult than the adults. The mom is as dumb a cliche as they come. The kills were predictable, too easy. And that’s sad, because the atmosphere, the creepiness was there. I went in hoping it would be good, but it did nothing for me. The potential was there though. Not enough background story (how the f**k did that creature get there). And nowhere did we see cops on the scene of an accident. Right. At least, there were no CGI for the monster. Thankful for that.