The Witcher (2019) S1 E1
Canuckian -1 points 4 years ago.

Daft Moonfruit!! There it is again LOL!! LOVE IT LOL!! As for your idea of getting the Witcher books from the library, i thought the same thing and went to reserve a copy of the first book through the Toronto Pub;lic Library web site..looks like i wasn’t alone in that thinking though lol..there are like 8 copies in the system of the first book and i am number 6 hundred and something in line yeah, i hope you have better luck than I!! Might just have to go out and buy it since it looks like we might be waiting until 2021 for another season…don’t quote me on that, i just remember reading it on someones post somewhere on FB lalaland lol.

greyfur -2 points 4 years ago.

HAHA! Yeah, that’s right, it was you I swiped that from! Used it on a couple social media posts to good effect as well, got a couple good chuckles from it. :) Gonna try here at the Portland Public Library (Maine) eventually, got a lot going on at the moment with the holidays, that and some asshole tried a payday loan into my bank account, actually got it there, but couldn’t get it out, so sending it back to the source tomorrow,have to re do my accounts to be safe. Already sussed out how I got compromised and corrected it. Can’t even blink a little these days….