Dracula (2020)
Dread Pirate Robert 8 points 4 years ago*.

Being English myself I’d love to be flattered but when the US come out with gems like The Wire, The Sopranos and Game of Thrones (although admittedly the actors were nearly all British in that one) we are clearly trailing in your wake when it comes to TV dramas. With the odd classy exception like Peaky Blinders most of what we make these days is a mess; often mired in right on political correctness at the expense of realism and factual accuracy (especially if it’s from the BBC). Usually even the good ones only start well and end up as garbage (Sherlock/Luther for example). Sure we do period dramas better, but I’d swap all of them for one Breaking Bad.

greyfur 0 points 4 years ago.

I miss Breaking Bad. Don’t know if you ever saw this or not, but going to give you a link for a movie that picks up where Breaking bad left off, all about Jessie Pinkman. There were some lose ends, ties them up pretty good, all I’m going to say if you have not seen it, I thought it was right good, and really a fitting way to tie the whole thing up.
