Seberg (2019)
octoberswill 1 points 4 years ago.

other than them killing cops in self defense everything you said was wrong…also…look up the lynchings of the KKK in the 1910’s through 1950’s…they did not encourage killings of whites only defending themselves against white aggressions…you love your propaganda I can see that…but a little education would show you they allowed all races to participate in their party…the majority of Black Panthers were women…and they gave free meals and grocery bags everyday, helped with rent and utilities for those who couldn’t make ends meet and funded a free medical clinic FOR ALL…you see the KKK doing that?

joeinwb -7 points 4 years ago.

You can see videos of them justifying the killing of whites on youTube today if you cared to look for them, they talk about how they may have to start killing white babies. It is you that is full of shit. Even today, the black panthers are a listed and known hate group. Your the one with the propaganda.