Star Trek: Picard (2020)
rdmovieman 3 points 4 years ago*.

I noticed people have giving me negative points, apparently they’re not reading the entire thing. show started off a little shaky for me, being a little slow and hard to understand at times. if you’ve never watched a star trek movie or show, you may have a hard time following the story. I am a fan of all of the movies and shows, but im not a die hard fan thats seen the movies a hundred times and have memorized everything… (Sheldon would have) :( but by the 3rd episode I was hooked. No matter if you’re a die hard fan or just passing through because there’s nothing else to watch, Patrick Stewart Is in my opinion the best captain of the enterprise, and is definitely steering this show in the right direction. Give it a chance, and after a few episodes Im sure that you’ll be wanting to be beamed up.