Hempsters: Plant the Seed (2010)
mark_k89 -4 points 5 years ago.

okay my bad. stop GROWING shitty weed then. If I have a low tolerance then lucky me, I get twice as high for twice as long and save money while I’m at it but that isn’t the case I just get some dope ass weed these days.let me suggest this, maybe…just maybe take a break from smoking it and let your tolerance drop a little or shop around and try some body else’s shit. if you have all this knowledge and still cant produce weed that lasts 3-4 hours in this day and age where there’s newer and stronger strains hitting the streets every other day then maybe your knowledge is flawed somewhere and maybe you should listen to some of these other guys they might actually be able to give you tips. weed is supposed to chill you out man yet you seem so damn tense and uptight to the point where you are trying to put people down and argue with random strangers over who has the most knowledge of a plant. I did read a few of your posts, just enough to figure out you’re one of “those” Stoners.
so ill leave you with this to mull over. you may be more knowledgeable on the subject than myself, but my man, you ain’t reaping the benefits of that shit like the rest of us, which lets face it, is the entire point.
good luck with future crops, I really do hope you do take a break and lower your tolerance levels or find a stronger strain to help with that chip on your shoulder because the strain your using right now clearly ins’t doing the trick.

Green 2 points 5 years ago*.

ok thanks for the tips. you are actually the aggressor here so i dunno what your problem is. no where did i say i dont have bud that doesnt get me high for 3-4 hours. you made an assumption. if you must know, ive been working with cannabis cup winners and have found some amazing specimens. no matter how good it is, its still missing something from the strains of old. the quality is different. closest thing ive had to the dreamy hours long effects from thai strains is blueberry, flo, and blue heaven. the most exciting effects i get are found by crossing these out to as pure of a sativa as i can find. my favourite is a hawaiian sativa. by crossing dj shorts flo with that hawaiian gave me a strain that literally felt like an elevator going from the first floor all the way up to 100. the literal definition of getting lifted. so again. please do not assume i grow shitty weed. the f2 generation of a cross between an “indica” and a “sativa” is where you will find unique characteristics and highs. most breeding today is related to the chem dog and og kush family with hundreds of variations of the same genetics. my only point to any of my posts is to say that we need to forget about what we know about indica and sativa and make a new definition for them. i suggest calling indicas “afghanicas” from now on since its a more suitable name. and since Indica is derived from “India” which is in a tropic climate, i think we should call Sativas “indicas” now. what do you think?