The Alaska Triangle (2020) S1 E2
magically_delicious 0 points 4 years ago*.

Essentially, this episode is based on the FACT that many people have disappeared or been murdered and mutilated in the town(s) of Port Chatham (it’s actually two towns and includes Portlock), Alaska, since the 1930’s. Originally, this was a cannery town, like many port towns in Alaska. Many of the “disappeared” would wash up on the shore, mutilated/dismembered. In 1949 most of the inhabitants left the town, and today, the town remains a “ghost town”. The reasons that most of the people left was not only due to the disappearances/murders/mutilations, but to many unexplained sightings of humanoid-like, hair-covered, huge, aggressive bipedal creatures. This is the accepted reason for the mass exodus. The episode [weakly] attempts to construct a “team” of researchers, giving them authoritative sounding “credentials”, but ultimately failing to connect science with speculation and experience with obsession. The editing in the episode leaves a lot to be desired, as well. I would like further research into these towns and what actually happened there, but it will take more than just a cursory, fly-through and more of a committed living and studying endeavor.