Hempsters: Plant the Seed (2010)
mark_k89 -4 points 5 years ago.

lol. fucking elitists am i right? im not an aggressor im just pointing out your passive aggressiveness towards other members. and you ask where you said you don’t get high for 3-4 hours. like “man weed might not have looked as nice back then as it did today but man it would get you hiiiigh, 3-4 hours”, that is exactly where you’re implying this, so nah man it ain’t an assumption, its a presumption (there is a difference but maybe smoking too much weed is impairing your mental ability) based on what you are implying. cool story bro. can totally see somebody who works with award winning strains being so poor that they have to pirate movies and tv online. you literally made an account for the sole purpose of shitting on other members and their opinions. grow up mate

Green 0 points 5 years ago.

keep cutting me down dude.