Bombshell (2019)
Crazyfool187x -2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I thank you for your comment. I have re-read my post many times, and I can see that there is frustration and anger, but that doesn’t make it any less-true. My professors would agree with most of what I’ve said, and it can be hard to condense 8 years of education into a single post. I felt that I needed to ‘dumb-it-down’ for others to understand. If I talked about Social-Stratification, No-Bid-Contracts, privitizing education, war-profitiering etc etc, then most people wouldn’t understand why ‘school-choice’ is actually bad. And why “No-children-left-behind” along with “standardized testing” is actually ruining our public schools, and offering it into the hands of private corporations. I am a patriot, I am an American, and I love my country. The truth is usually hard to swallow, most people balk at it. It’s human nature. Once a persons’ reality/belief system is challenged, then they reject it, and throw up a mental defense. It’s frustrating when the majority of voters don’t even have a very high, formal education. This is why many philosophers thought democracies would ultimately fail, namely Plato. My passion for the truth and education is not miss-guided. I stick by everything I’ve said. Thank you.

nowt 3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Welcome! I’m disinclined to unpack that as well. Compositionally, both your posts either Frankenstein outright fallacies or are inextricably contextualized by, and I’m not really in the mood to vivisect the deluge of it all that kindly [forex: chastisement for using money to create an environment by which equality [or democracy; or education] might thrive, when one wouldn’t spend that same amount in the same way were it already thriving, and not acknowledging that that is also relatively more peaceful a persuasion than outright force, is… and so on]. Anyway, my best to your professors; they need all the help they can get. Disengage!