Videodrome (1983)
ObserverMI 1 points 4 years ago.

Saw your comment so came by because I remember that movie from looong ago and only that it was disturbing. So I watched it, lol. Yea, I can see why this kinda freaked me out a bit as a kid. Even for today’s standards, it’s still weird, lol. Nice trip back and love James Woods so it was a ol’ win. =o)

Pseudonym 2 points 4 years ago.

Oh man, the DVD release of this included a perfect little companion short film by him which is EASILY one of my top 5 favorite shorts ever, “Camera” (6min)

I love Cronenberg to hell and back. For like 20 years he makes the most insane abstract/psychological body horror (I particularly love his psychotic adaptation of Burrough’s Naked Lunch), and then out of nowhere suddenly makes two insanely strong, Oscar nominated films of totally different genre/tone (A History of Violence, Eastern Promises).

I wanna be pen pals with himmm