Superman: Red Son (2020)
RoboPhone 3 points 4 years ago*.

Jade, I agree that there is no reason for these select few Members to continuously rant, rage and hatefully debate politically-charged campaigns in our Comments section of this MOVIE & TV SHOW site!
These Comments were intended merely to help our Members find suitable programming entertainment and relieve the stresses of the outside world.
I know I speak for the rest of us when I say that we are sick and tired of seeing this activity, which is in violation of at least 2 Site Rules regarding threatening and harassing and bullying behavior and being generally hateful to one another. I have it on good authority that this type of abuse will no longer be tolerated.
This is a family friendly community site where everyone is required to be respectful to each other. If a Member has an issue with another, it should be settled either privately or by contacting a site Moderator.
Personally, I try to avoid participating in these “page rages”, but feel compelled to finally draw a line in the sand and say, “Enough is Enough!”
My best suggestion is:
“If you strongly disagree with another’s Comment, so be it. Make your Polite counterpoint and/or downvote it, then Move On!” If the Comment is in Violation of the Site Rules, report it to a Moderator.
I apologize to the rest of the Community for adding my own rant here, but please know it comes from being passionate about Primewire and the well being of its Members.
Your attention and considerations are greatly appreciated!
~Your friendly neighborhood RoboPhone.

fattytheklown -17 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

shut the fuck up you are not a mod and you dont work for primewire SHUT THE FUCK UP