Bulletproof (2018)
wirl_robin04 -1 points 4 years ago.

I understand what you are saying.

I do have to say that I do not like what they have done in Series Two.

There are multiple sex scenes (which are not even relevant to the story) in the first episode (maybe first two?) and they got rid of Pike’s wife (new actress) and now suddenly Pike and his wife are doing it all the time.

Not saying this in an immature way, but why the drastic change?

Why the need for so many sex scenes all of a sudden?

simplybloo 1 points 4 years ago.

Mate, the only reason why Pike had a new wife in series 2 was because the original actor couldn’t make her filming schedule work between this and her upcoming movies (Marvel & James Bond). If you ask me, I think she made the right move, stepping down from series 2, if she wants to elevate her career. Honestly, in series 1, Pike and his wife did have a sex scene, they would have those baths together. They did the same in series 2…and there were like 2-3 sex scenes and they were short. I think it was just to give a brief look into their world, although I agree we didn’t really need them. I think you’re focusing on something totally different from what I am, which is ok. I liked it for its buddy aspect between Pike and Bishop. I really think their friendship makes the show watchable.