Sea Fever (2020)
Momof3angels 2 points 4 years ago.

Not too shabby. Nothing original in the story as we’ve seen this same scenario in countless other films just like this one. I did learn something new from it though. I had no idea that it was bad mojo/superstition to have a red headed woman aboard a ship. That’s so dumb. I mean, what the hell?? I’m so glad the human race has progressed intellectually since our ancestors time here on earth. The stuff that some them cooked up is crazy and its amazing that they were then able to convince many of this “knowledge” and so it was passed on as truth down through the generations. Admittedly, there’s a lot they got right, but i get a good chuckle off of all the crap the got wrong. Anyway, there are far better movies like thus one, but was a decent watch.