The Barbarians (1987)
Canuckian 5 points 4 years ago.

Oh my gosh, i can’t believe this is here LOL! LOVED this movie growing up! It has the WORST sound effects, the worst special effects but it has some of the funniest, cheesiest lines and it really doesn’t (IMO anyway) take itself too seriously. If you are in the mood for some cheesy, B-Movie fun, give this a go…i know i am definitely going to watch this later, i haven’t seen this in decades!! Thanks Uploaders!

ObserverMI 1 points 4 years ago.

Sad to say, David Paul – One of the ‘Barbarian Brothers’ passed away. March 7th it was posted by friends, he was 62. Met them long ago, they were interesting to say the least. Enjoy the movie.