Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016)
Jeshush 14 points 4 years ago.

Jump-started a vomit when I saw this horrible thing listed here. It is part of another virus we are all dying from: the stupid one. Cucker spews lies and venom everyday from the cesspit that is Fox Snooze. That said, this swastika monster is actually quite humorous in his spittoon vitriol. The trouble is, the über-dense are weakminded to believe it.

ObserverMI 6 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

You’re supposed to ‘Watch then Review’ and you’ve done ‘neither’ Take your hate and ‘move on’, this is NOT the place for that. Shame on you. And your Nazi references and name calling show how ignorant you are to have an educated opinion. MOVE ON with the HATE.